RE: Unfortunately, I'm Filing For Bankruptcy

It has been the worse year for you, Jose. Losing your mom, your brother had a fatal accident and then, the death of your grandparents. The responsibilities on you are too much because planning a burial is too much, not to talk of more than one.
And then, your health is there that needs full attention and one funny thing about African families is that they wouldn´t want to listen if you have an urgent pressing need, especially your health matter, if you don´t do the needful, you are irresponsible in their eyes which is so bad.

Even if you have to sit them down and explain, you will still have to do what you have to do since you are the one they are looking up to.

This is a really sad post reading and I am praying in my mind for you that you will not get to the stage of going bankrupt in Jesus name. So sorry about that and I hope you return to Hive as soon as you get settled.

Sincerely. I will miss your posts because I always enjoy them. Nevertheless, it´s only temporal and you will be back. May God help you also. Take heart, JOSE.

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