
I posted on facebook about the rise of bitcoin by the end of the year, a friend did follow my advise and made $600. I was so happy I can move him to do so since he did not have much knowledge about bitcoin. Lately many folks are giving crypto a hard look. They do not understand it. For them only fiat money has real value.

Some are still worried about regulation of crypto. The truth is, you cannot regulate crypto, you can regulate people. It could be hard to flip everyone to be a crypto believer. The numbers are changing for the best. Take away what the institutions are doing, this is another level.

The former OCC stated:

I’m incredibly optimistic that our big, brawling, risk-taking, dynamic country will continue to lead and succeed—but not by protecting powerful incumbents. Success will come from disruptive ideas that are scary today but expected and even necessary tomorrow.

He emphasized on three front converged to usability of #Crypto, #Defi, #Stablecoins. The realization of this apparatus denotes what we can expect in the near future for crypto. Lately we are not hearing crickets when it comes to crypto.
The scary part he mentioned may have to do with the risk associated with financing. The banks are also scared seeing their everyday way of making billions evaporated through #defi.

This is another big piece of the cake moving away from the Bank. Uniswap alone is averaging $US 1 billion volume a day. Just let that sink in.
Same great idea run by #leofinance team to provide liquidity to leo via #wleo.
The cool part of all this, the community is the one making it happen. Through #uniswap there is no central entity pulling all,
instead all players get involved to reap the reward.
It will come a time this where the economy is heading.
#Uniswap grew just for the past seven days, more than 50%

So the former OCC sees the necessary advantage of crypto.
He used to work for #Coinbase no wonder.
I can see why we the people will have to move the needle everyday.
IF you have been involved in crypto for a while, you are more determined
to risk than previously.
Definitely a new way to do business, very much necessary.
Keep stacking satoshis.

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