
Maybe I am too early to declare the end of the bear market. Who am I to say such things. While the bear has established its precedent, the bull keeps attacking, trying to be on top. The sequence is like a Deja vu if you follow the market year over year. The month of #October seems to favor a reset where everyone will continue to build on their objective for the rest of the year all the way to a new horizon.

While the economy is cascading, it is hard to predict the bottom and then getting ready for the bull. It is a constant preparation and production is key. Even the investors are looking for opportunity. #Crypto is not shy to offer great return when the sky is blue. As you can see lately there are quite a few investments in crypto sphere. It has not much to do with crypto directly. It has to maneuver the company or blockchain behind the actual token.

You know too well what will happen if value jumps to a crypto. Many will sell out of fear dropping the price down. While crypto is wide open for this to happen, do not think this is how the game will play. I am glad to see #proof of #stake is getting a renewal on its lease while #BTC is making sure #proof of #work is still worth it. Now it is up to you how you assign each token you face.

Some think this one is an asset. This one is looking like a security. This could be the one we use for money. At the end of the day, use case stands on the way for all crypto to move forward. This moment in 2022 is a recourse for the holders to look in the eye what blockchain is taking care of me when the bull shows.

As you know time always tells the truth. What you do not see today, will reveal itself tomorrow.
The economy favors liquidity as we speak. The dollar looks strong forcing many investors to go and grab returns they can control. While all the ducks are aligned, this situation of strong dollar does not help the world economy. As you know it may be hard to predict what tomorrow brings.

The minute #BTC is left alone you see the approach to the affirmative. I mention use case for crypto. This is a growing trend if left alone, crypto will take over. After all feel free to add that regulations are the missing piece of the puzzle for crypto to take over. As long you set yourself for success the right way, everything will be cool for the open minded.



I wish I can start dissecting #hive future. While it takes a big drop to see the price drops, it is a stable token with a stable partner #HBD. While @hive is not crazy moving, it is not deadly slowing. Just like earth, #hive is right in the perfect place in crypto universe. If you are missing this point, it will help you in the future, #hive is all about your level of production with a major accolade of connection. You can flip it and the result will come back as the blockchain predicts.

It is spectacular to see a token holding quite well during a bear time. Now let's say you acquire an immense bucket of #hive during the period of April 6th, 2020 you should be reaping the fruit of your risk, well over 400%. Not long ago #hive did reach $3+ so there is upside we can reach while we hold and bring more use case with a major bump in liquidity.

These days the trend is clear for crypto to gravitate and start to run. While emotions like to run high, it is a work for everyone. If you are holding you know why you are around. If you plan to #DCA, keep planning cause the minute the playing flips, it will be #fomo where value will come from all angles.
I wish I can predict the trend from far away. Actually the easiest one has to do with long term projection. It works all the time when you get the right token. I have the same feeling for #leo.
This is where I post so I know it is in good hands.

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