Are you already all set up to give up your morning coffees and say goodbye to your slices of wheat toasts?

Last night I stumbled across an interesting article published by @jackmiller that left me thinking for a while and led me to investigate and dig a little deeper into the matter to find out where we all currently stand in relation to the potential consequences of not being prepared for such undesirable but imminent situation.

As he suggests in his article, this is not a situation or a matter of whether or not it could happen. But a matter of when it could become more acute and in which parts of the world it would strike first and with greater intensity and impact. So I really encourage you to take a look at his article as it includes a couple of videos that in my opinion are worth watching. For my part, I will add a few more in this post.

And I will try to go into more detail on this matter with more abundant audiovisual content. In sight that we here in Venezuela have already been through this before from many years ago and during many years too. We already know how it is!



"A Contagious Worldwide Syndrome"


Great Reset


Ok, let's round up this eye-opening info and close this antechamber section right here with this last video.

Alright! with the above, I suppose that you have already realized that what is in development and is happening right now, clearly in view of everyone, is nothing new. Oh no! in the least. All this that we are seeing and feeling right now has been cooking for many years. But many more years than you could have imagined.

And so that I don't have to go back too far into the past. Now I'll just ask you one question: ¿Had you ever heard about the Club of Rome and a serious investigation that they requested to carry out to some renowned scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology just over 50 years ago?

¿Nope? ¿Nothing? ¿Anything? You never had heard about the Club of Rome and this investigation before? Okay, then let me show you something quick.

"Limits to Growth"

Yep, all these privileged guys on the top of the food pyramid who for many years has been backstage, behind the scenes and beneath the surface, now they suddenly arise from their opulent catacombs without any pain or shame to show their long-thought nefarious plan and spread their ineffable agenda publicly without any shyness, modesty and restraint. ¿Why? Well, because who cares?

Yeah, let's keep enlightening ourselves.

Yeah, we are ahead of schedule. And that's why they have to press the accelerator on their time machine. They no longer have time to lose because the beach bar is falling apart. They have already realized that the results of their pandemic plan and blaming one or another powerful adversary that counterbalances them, competes with them and disputes their current financial hegemony and population control is not working as fast as they foresaw.

They have to prevent the entry of new actors who were not already in the club. And among them us. The average Joes of this world who clearly we are already too many and we begin to hinder them because we already know too much and we could rebel by throwing overboard their plans for absolute, global and universal domination.

But hey, enough prelude for the main subject of this post. And let's pick up again what is relevant about the @jackmiller article that inspired this present tirade.

Because as I have the hunch that in any case most of you are not going to click where you should click or reproduce and watch all the audiovisual information that supports my speech to actually know what the hell I am talking about. Then... why bother too much? Right? This article is for the really curious and interested in their own well-being. And we know very well that many people are neither curious nor interested in their well-being if that means making too many clicks and having the patience to consume the videos and their information until the end.

Therefore, last but not least. Let's drop these last three videos in a row with the updates of the current situation which I hope finish to kick your ass to take urgent action immediately. Being the last of them the most important to take into account of all this publication. I hope that at least this last one won't be skipped by you.

"A random analysis"

"A random journalism interview"

That's right! this random analysis and this random journalism interview were made before the war between Russia and Ukraine. Just in case you hadn't noticed. But the old agenda continues and the results of its progress begin to be felt by all of us in our own flesh wherever we are with greater force. So, who are the real culprits here?

¿Currency that's circulating by force?

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Cranky Gandalf


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