Genesis League Goals - Ranked Rewards, first earnings

After a long wait, the Genesis League Goals Ranked Rewards are finally here!

Yesterday, the dev team published the information about the Ranked system, today, a few hours ago, they released the ranked rewards. Not all features are currently available, but most of the new UI and dynamic stats are.

How to play Genesis League Goals

GLG Game Layout Overview

What is live:

– Ranked Gameplay (Solo Tier Only), Go compete with teams and earn Fans, GLX & XP Rewards
– XP is only applied to starter and sub players.
– XP for Reserves coming soon!
– Dynamic Stats Persist - Health, Morale, Stamina
– Synergy - coming soon

– New Exciting Visuals: the game showcases new visuals and animations, enhancing the overall excitement of the gaming experience. The game presents a range of new visuals and animations, enhancing the overall excitement of the gaming experience. Explore new ways to engage with gameplay, moving towards a streamlined experience that goes beyond mere button clicks, providing a more immersive feel.
– Game Server has been updated to manage skills - Once Daily pass is available, users will be able to earn skills, stake them on players & play in game

What will come soon:

– Full Ranked
– All Ranked Tiers
– Synergy Effects
– Rewards Bonuses
– Claiming GLX Rewards - Right now they are awarded to accounts directly
– End of Game Screen
– Team Management updates to show Fans & other stats
– Cards Leveling up with XP
– Card Combining & Unlocking Slots
– Daily Pass - Earning Skills
– Skill Collection & Activation
– Enhanced User Account Creation
– Fiat Payment
– Purchase More Teams


I also played my very first matches, also received my first GLX rewards after a 1:1 draw. 6.5 GLX

You are also able to earn XP, however the card combining, levelling up is not live yet.

Based on the first experiences, the substitutions earn the same amount of XP as your starters.

Since the synergy system is not live yet, it's a great opportunity to earn a lot of XP without disadvantages.

Come and play with us, the rewards are probably the highest today!

The new UI and the first rewards are also in the video. (Video will be added later, as 3Speak vid stuck in encoding again...)

Pictures are owned by Genesis League Goals.

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