It´s time for Plan B, I mean Plan H

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

Ok, the title is a bit clickbaitish, I know, but it sounded better than something like "my new crypto merch", even though this post will actually be about crypto merch. But enough with this awkward intro, let´s go straight to the point... Recently, I had a birthday. To keep a certain level of anonymity here, let me just say it was recently and that my age has long been past what I consider cool young age so better no more details about it :D Anyway, one of the birthday gifts that I got was this wallet...


It´s a cool leather wallet with a Bitcoin logo on it and I like it (love the patina look). Not my first crypto merch though, I already have a Bitcoin T-shirt and I also ordered a Bitcoin hoodie some time ago but that one turned out to be too small for me and because the communication with the sender was horrible, I gave it to a friend. So yeah, I have some crypto merch and I wear it proudly but the thing is that all of it is Bitcoin-themed while I actually don´t own any Bitcoin :D That´s right. I guess I´m something like a "Hive maxi" because I don´t really have any significant amounts of cryptos other than Hive.

Now you may wonder why I have that Bitcoin merch then. Well, I would love to wear and use Hive merch but I don´t know where and how to get it! I noticed that our folks from the "regionally strong" communities like Venezuela, Ghana or the Philippines have been wearing all kinds of super cool Hive merch ranging from clothes to various everyday objects and I really love it but here in my Czech homeland, the Hive community is still very small and we don´t have anything like this here :( I really wish I could get some Hive merch too because it surely is a great way to promote our beloved blockchain and crypto in general.

How about you guys? Do you have any Hive merch? If so, feel free to share some pictures with us in the comment section below. Here is a few more shots of the wallet that I got. It was an interesting little peep into the world of product photography for me btw :)











I hope that you liked the pictures. In the last one, I tried to visualize how cool the wallet would look with a Hive logo on it...

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


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