SSC Goals Report For the End of March

Hello savings friends! Welcome to my first monthly report on my Saturday Savers' Club goals for 2022.

In my goals post, I had said that in addition to pulling out what funds I needed for basics like rent and cat food, I wanted to stash enough HBD in a savings account to buy myself a music keyboard (I'm estimating 275 HBD), amass 200 EDS tokens, and finish my French workbook that I've been using when I make my "Study With Me" videos. :)

Goal #1: Keyboard Funds

So currently, I have 44.317 HBD in my savings account, earning interest. :D

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it's in Faerie Stories, my alt account, if you are looking at my wallet and thinking I'm pulling your leg, lol

I got that by putting in 15.196 HBD at the end of February, and then another 29.121 at the end of March. And that's after pulling out some funds to pay bills! :)

Goal #2: EDS


I am currently at 141 EDS tokens out of my goal of 200 by the end of the year. When I posted my original goals post, I was at 133, so I've gained 8 in the past month.

Goal #3: Finish French Textbook

SWM 1 cover.jpg

I have been slacking on this front, as I'm only on page 87 (I was on page 80 a month ago, lol, I think I only had one study session since that post), so I need to fire up some SWM videos to help me focus and get studying!

Thankfully I have made progress on all three goals!

chart 2022 goals.png

Thanks to all my friends for your support on this journey! :)

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