Growth, Lower Hive Upvotes, FUD .:. Walk & Talk Series

After recording this video, I read somewhere a comment about how people are creating a lot of content about HIVE and how that content shouldn't be promoted and curated... I remember that I was seeing a lot of content like that before, but lately, I don't... And if I see it, it is usually some "superficial post" about how HIVE is great and everyone should do it...

I know that the technical side of HIVE is complicated and not everyone has time (or will) to dive deep and explore it, but that doesn't mean that we have to "hide" that information from people who want to know that... And sometimes, it is hard to find specific information about HIVE... Even, as an experienced Hivian, I had problems finding details about HBD creation, inflation, etc...

As there are no "rules to HIVE", it's important to know how it works, and maybe to give some guidelines to people... For example, yesterday I saw a post where the author was complaining about how he is getting less worthy upvotes lately and how he will not reach his goals because of that... That's one of the misconceptions about HIVE rewards... The value that you see under your post is represented in UDS and if HIVE is valued less, that amount will be lower... But, your amount of earned HIVE will stay more-less the SAME!

As a matter of fact, when we are having a "hard time" in crypto, fewer people are creating and your posts can potentially get more rewards than usual! That's why experienced Hivians are always recommended to people to create content in hard times... You accumulate tokens much faster... Not only on HIVE but buying cheap tokens in which you believe for a long term...

That topic, some other thoughts about growth in the bear market, and some views about the FUD around Binance and Coinbase you can find in the video... It's just me walking and vlogging with you...

Thank you for your valuable time,


Liotes Divider Blue.png

Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0

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