Staking? Delegating? Both? .:. WorkerBee PH-Pool Week 93

In the last report post, I was writing about the difference between sending tokens (for example to some centralized exchange) or delegating them to someone and you can check the difference between these in that post...

And right after writing that, we had some confusion among new members of this pool... Two users have mistaken and STAKE tokens to my account instead of DELEGATING them! The difference is huge between these two!

When you STAKE tokens to someone else (not your username), it is like you have to SEND those tokens to another person and they aren't any more in your wallet... They are gone... So, DON'T DO THAT! Luckily, in our case, I had some liquid WORKERBEEs and I sent them back to one user, but I would appreciate it if @leveluplifeph contacts me in the comment section so that we sort out his tokens too...

Also, don't forget that when you STAKE WORKERBEE tokens (hopefully to YOUR account 😃), unstaking them last 9 WEEKS, and you will receive 1/9 of the amount that you want to unstake every week... So, check twice before staking tokens!

When you DELEGATE tokens to someone, you are just loaning tokens to a person, but they are still in your WALLET! So, when you want to join this pool, you are only DELEGATING tokens to it!

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As usual, after the record-breaking week, we are mining a very low amount of tokens... But, that's happened many times and there are no worries, it will come back next week... The mining process is based on a lottery system and this happens and we can't influence it...

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Back to the report numbers!

This week we got 3 new delegators! Welcome, @beeber, @oceanbee, and @kitsuki!!! Also, the user @leveluplifeph staked some tokens directly to my account, so please, @leveluplifeph leave a comment on this post so that we can solve the issue...

As usual, some of you guys delegated additional tokens! Thanks for doing that! This week we have mined 119 tokens!!!

This POOL doesn't have fees and you actually get up to 20% MORE by delegating to it!


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What about the bonus tokens?
It's time for some gaming tokens and this time, I will distribute the record amount of STARBITS tokens ever! I think that previous time I was doing once 100K, other time 130K, but this time it will be a lot more than that... So, if you are playing the fantastic Rising Star game here on HIVE, you will have some tokens for spending! Or exchange for whatever you want on Hive-Engine!

I will distribute 200K STARBITS tokens to the delegators of the pool as a bonus reward today!


As always, in the end, let's give the exact numbers for this week... There will be distributed 119 BEE tokens and 200000 STARBITS tokens as a bonus... The APR (without the bonus) was 6.771%, and when we added the bonus it went up to 7.903%!

I have calculated the ROI approximately with medium prices for all tokens at the moment of creating this post... So, those numbers are valid if you bought WB and sold BEE tokens at the current prices... Most of you got them for a cheaper price, so probably have a much better ROI...

Do you want to sponsor the PH-Pool with your tokens, receive a short SPONSORED segment in this post and raise awareness about your front-end or dApp? Please let me know in the comment section, or contact me through Discord or Twitter and we will find the best solution for both parties...

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If you want to join the WorkerBee PH-Pool, the only thing that you have to do is to STAKE tokens to YOUR account and DELEGATE your staked WORKERBEE tokens to THIS account (@ph1102)! Every week you will get the portion of mined BEE tokens and BONUS rewards!

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All payments will be made after publishing this post...

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section!

You can find more about this pool in the initial post here @ph1102/workerbee-p-h-ool-let-s-help-each-other

Thank you for your time,


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If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. Odysee

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