Goals Checked Out .:. Final Chapter of #MyHiveGoals 2021

I've arrived at the final chapter of the #MyHiveGoals challenge for this year and there is no better way to finish the story by completing the last goal that left! When I was doing these goals in 2020 I have finished the year without reaching my CTP goal... In mid-January this year, I have finally got it, which was the sign that I can start with writing my 2021 Book of Goals... :)

This year, it was almost the same... Again, the last goal to accomplish was the CTP goal! I didn't plan that in January, that's for sure, but the history repeated... With one slight difference... This time, I have reached my last goal from the list in the last couple of days of the current year!

Again, when I was creating these goals, I was calculating how many coins I can earn by the week, by month, and finally in one year... The thing that we can't calculate in these cases is the prices of tokens, our motivation, inspiration, free time, obstacles, etc... Oh, in 365 days of a year they happen, and they happen more than we would like to experience...

Personally, I have a lot of upside-downs during this year... The last things that I remember are summer vacation of over one month, sickness in late November, etc... Despite that, creating these weekly reports, helped me to get back every time I have fallen... Sharpening my focus and giving me the motivation to continue... That's the MAIN REASON why I have created these goals and why I persisted in creating these posts... They WORKED very well for me, and I will continue in 2022 with new goals!

Did you try to create your HIVE goals? Did they work for you?

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Created in Canva.com

It's time for the final check out of #MyHiveGoals for 2021...

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This week was much better than the previous for my HIVE Power goal... I have added 164 HIVE tokens to my stake and overpassed my yearly goal of 218 HP in total... How did I do it? By creating more posts and engaging more... I have noticed that more and more people are upvoting comments which is a great thing! I suppose that leading by example is giving fruits to everyone... More engagement, healthier communities, stronger HIVE!

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I have left my LEO Power intact and I didn't power up any tokens... But, on the other side, I didn't sell any tokens either! As a matter of fact, I have bought some and put them into diesel pools... For now... I'm still waiting for Polycubs and I will probably move those tokens there when they launch... Until then, I'm accumulating LEO and putting them to work as a liquidity provider for diesel pools... Win-Win! I would like to create some LEO goals next year too, but I don't know how to do it as I plan to diversify tokens on different platforms... If you have some idea how could I do it, please let me know...

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The last goal to finish this year was the CTP Power goal... I had some tokens in the stack which I kept for the CTP Power Up Challenge, but I was pushing very hard the past month to get enough tokens to reach this goal... They didn't come easy, but I'm very happy with the result... I have powered up over 8K tokens in 1 week, but I will now slow down a bit...

Another interesting challenge is the SPORTS POWER goal... I have started the year with 5K SPORTS power and I have tripled that amount during the year! I can't believe in that as that was the biggest change of all "coin goals"... At the moment, I don't have any specific goal for it, but I will probably continue with accumulation and maybe take some profits if the price goes up a bit... Powering down isn't an option! 🙂

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The RISING STAR will be one of the goals that I will have to review for the next year... I'm not sure that counting cards are a valid goal and I will try to find some other mode to track my progress in the game... I like the game very much and I will probably include it in next year's goals!

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In the end, I would like to make an update of my current numbers (December 26th, 2021) on #MyHiveGoals:


Join us in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! You can find the original post about the challenge by @robwillmann here.

See you next year with freshly new goals! I have some idea on which goals to track next year, but I have to find the right model to do it... Someone mentioned Splinterlands, but don't know what parameter to track? SPS tokens or Collection power, or something else?

Tell me in the comment section what do you plan to put in your goals for the next year?



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The link to my initial 2021 Goals Edition is here...

These are my initial goals for 2021 on January 15th, 2021, and this #MyHiveGoals Challenge:

HIVE POWER - 20,000 / 25,000    80.00%  needed monthly grow 1.66%
LEO POWER     - 8,000 / 12,000  66.00%  needed monthly grow 2.83%
CTP POWER - 150,000 / 200,000   75.00%  needed monthly grow 2.08%
SPORTS POWER   - 5M / 15M       33.33%  needed monthly grow 5.55%

Gaming Goals:

RISING STAR (CARDS) - 189 / 2,000    9.45%  needed monthly grow 7.54%
DCITY (DAILY SIM) - 5,488/ 12,000   45.73%  needed monthly grow 4.52%   (base Income - before taxes) - goal dropped 06.06.2021.

The revised goals - May 16th, July 4th, November 7th 2021:

HIVE POWER - 26,000 --> 28,000 (2nd revision)
LEO POWER - 13,000
RISING STAR (CARDS) - 2,500 --> 2,800 (2nd revision)

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If you want to support my witness, you can do it by voting for @ph1102.ctp here https://tribaldex.com/witnesses, or just scan the QR code down below...


Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on LEO Finance .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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