LEO&HODL Contest: Evaluating LEO Contests And Their Importance

Creating contests is definitely one of the tactics the Leofinance team has adopted to keep users in the community active recently, and to me, that has indeed taken interactions and users' levels of activeness in the community to another level.


One paramount thing the community is working on presently is increasing the number of Monthly active users(Mau) and that has been achieved recently with the introduction of various initiatives of which contest is absolutely part of.

What's referred to as a contest


An event at which numerous individuals or a certain number of people compete for supremacy and end up being rewarded for the level of creativity put in place. This is certainly a typical example of what the Leofinance team has done recently. The Zealy Quest contest is absolutely a perfect illustration when it comes to contests in the community, especially the second one(The Adoption Campaign)

Even though I missed the first Zealy Quest, the second one was memorable, especially when it comes to the level of rewards that come with it, and finishing among the top 20 means a lot to me. There is undoubtedly a lot to talk about when it comes to the importance of contests in the community, especially looking at how they have helped users' participation in the community and how they impact community growth too.

A quick review of some important points in this week #hodlcontest

What are the benefits of existing LEO contests for LeoVerse?

There is absolutely a lot to look at when it comes to the level of benefits derived from existing contests in the community. The just concluded Adoption Campaign and the Weekly Leo&Hodl community contest are absolutely perfect examples of contests in the community, and they have both served the same purpose, which I will definitely be touching right now.

(1) Promoting the community: This is certainly another massive way to promote the Leofinance community. With contest, people outside the Leoverse get to know about it, especially when it comes to tasks that include sharing articles on web 2.0 platforms. Even aside from that, it is certainly serving as a wake-up call for non-active users in the community, just as the #hodlcontest comes with the task of tagging at least three lions to let them know what's going on in the community.

(2) Increases active users: During the Zealy Quest, it's obvious that there are numerous users here, and the level of active users increases, especially when it comes to the thread battle. Contest is absolutely another strategy to bring plenty of users to live in the community; the adoption campaign had more than 200 participants during the contest, and it was indeed an added advantage to the Leofinance community.

Why and How should LeoFinance have contests?

This is certainly a suggestion, but taking it into consideration will definitely be outstanding. Can the Leofinance community fully support the #hodlcontest with some remarkable prizes? This is certainly one thing I seriously need them to take Into consideration because for me, it will definitely help a lot. One big way to keep users grinding in the community daily is by enticing them with awesome prizes, and that's how the community should operate right now.

Creating daily contests too will help, and for me, I Will absolutely say rebranding the Battles of the Lions contest introduced during the Zealy Quest will definitely help; that's another way to keep everyone in the community active daily. I'm currently working on a contest proposal, especially when it comes to rebranding the Battle of the Lions contest.

How about a new crypto- and economy-focused weekly contest that is run by the LeoFinance team?

This to me is undoubtedly a superb idea. Creating a contest like this will absolutely help users grow in the community. I'm certainly a lover of creativity, and that's what such a contest will bring to the community. It's undoubtedly one step to enhance blogging in the community, and such contest will definitely keep more users informed and updated when it comes to activities and happenings in the crypto world and beyond.

What contests are or were the best for the ecosystem?

Can we have the Zealy contest again? Even with lesser rewards, I still strongly believe that numerous individuals will certainly be ready to go again. Even though, as I said earlier, rebranding the Battles of the Lions is undoubtedly something the Leofinance community should be looking at, to me, I honestly see that as a perfect means of enhancing productivity in the community. Supporting the #HodlCommunity Contest should also be considered, especially when it comes to reviewing its rewards.

For me, I honestly think picking the lions of the week from participants from contest will absolutely bring more activities to the community and also help increase how effective contest is for the community growth system.

Share your experience with LeoFinance contests.

I might have missed the first Zealy Quest, but the second was hard to miss, and to me, it's absolutely a very fascinating one, especially looking at the level of the various tasks assigned. Leofinance contests come with unique ways of building users and improving their level of creativity.


The Zealy Quest might have come and gone, but its memory is certainly fresh, as it has Indeed helped me understand the importance of consistency and how capable I am when it comes to carrying out assignments.

Discuss the effectiveness of Leo contests.

Today we can tell what the Leo contest has added to the community. Every contest in the community serves as a means of

(1) Generating awareness about the Leofinance community

(2) A wake-up call for community users that are not active

(3) Help in increasing the number of Monthly active users (MAU).

(4) Promoting the Leofinance community on all Web 2.0 social media platforms

(5) Increases the level of creativity in its users

(6) A means of giving the user's assurance that the community is certainly the safest place to be and invest too.


The importance of contests can't be overlooked in the community, and for me, I will certainly say it's the antidote to lack of activeness in the community. Having more contests will absolutely help users be more active and also promote the community both on Hive Blockchain and on Web 3.0.

Hey, @kolawole93, @houseofdavid, and @lordemmy Please join this week's edition of the Leo&hodlcommunity contest.

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