Unique Leo Messi NFT sports card unlocked at Sorare! Record sale incoming?

Messi beating Haaland?

The current record sale for a unique card at Sorare is the unique card of Erling Braut Haaland at Borussia Dortmund of last season. Someone was prepared to pay over 600k worth of Ethereum for it in January of this year. But yesterday the unique Leo Messi card of this season got unlocked, from then on people have 7 days to bid on it. The current highest bid is just over 2500 USD. Which is a fraction of what eventually will be paid for it. Can this one beat the record of the Haaland card?

Money making machine

This unlocked Leo Messi card shows once again what a money making machine Sorare has become. Their business plan is incredibly smart. There is is a constant unlocking of cards every day, and it brings a constant stream of income for the platform. The gameplay gets more and more interesting too. Especially now with the free World Cup 2022 competition. Over 500k people have registered for it. All potential customers for the future. I am confident this platform will only get bigger and bigger in the next few years. And so will the value of the cards!



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