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Impressed by Hive’s steadiness! Very promising

It looks like this could become a fairytale

Ok, the title is a bit of click bait, fairytales are for bedtime stories. This is big business and is no story but real economy and life! But what I am seeing from Hive’s performance the last two days stems me very positive. I was fearing a drop in Hive’s price to 1,5 $ or even lower, but to the contrary, Hive is holding strong above the 2 dollar mark, and that with one tenth of the volume of 3 days ago. That is just great news, it looks like this point is new resistance point. Of course I could be wrong and be yelling too soon, but still this has put us on the map, and brought so much attention to the project, it can only be good in the long run.

I am very curious for the price action the next week, it could be the biggest week in Hive’s history… And if @cryptoandcoffee is correct, it could be heading towards 10 $ and even more. In the past I would have been very sarcastic about such projections, but now, I am really convinced it is possible and even very likely. Maybe not next week, but it’s just a matter of time, in my opinion!

