I love the short squeeze of the hedge funds!

Beating up the bullies

So, Wall Street is in rough water, all because of some Redditers that managed to make hedge fund managers sweat big drops, because their shorts are being squeezed.
It is making me laugh, because when these shorters manage to take a stock down, it is all just part of the business. But when things aren't going their way, suddenly they want the markets to be halted. And they are blaming these small fish, that make one big whale together, of market manipulation. Well, my message to them is, deal with it, if you bet, you can lose. And it must hurt, big time, especially when this comes from several millions of smaller fish that act like a whale together. But, it is part of the game.

On the subreddit, Wallstreetbets, a plan was made to massively buy GME (Gamestop) stock, to short squeeze the hedge funds, which made GME soar to 500 USD per share

You win some you lose some!



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