Hi friends, this is my introduction post to Hive and Inleo

Hello my valueable friends, my name is Mrs Joy Nzubechi Arinze. It's my greatest pleasure to meet you all here. Am so much delighted and privilege to introduce myself to you all. I heir from imo state in a oh mbaise local government in Nigeria, but by marriage iam from Orlu in imo state too. Iam the fifth child and 3rd daughter of the six children of my beloved parents. I was given birth to God's care hospital in Aba, Abia state, because that was the town where my parent lived.


I did my nursery school in Golden Child nursery school located at no. 26 nwamu street, off 187 ohanku road, aba. At my age six, it was affirmed that I was qualified to be in primary school which I did in Clifford road primary school Aba. There after I did my secondary school in community Girls secondary school immaculate still in Aba. After my secondary school education, I did not write jamb due to I live at aba and I want to also school at my area which will not be far from where am living.

I wrote exam and fill some forms and I got admission to college of education which does not require jamb taking.,it has different centers here in Abia state such as G. T. C, B. T. C, Ngwa High school and Faulk road so my own center is at Ngwa High school, there I studied "EDUCATION ". I have not finish schooling I'm at my 400 level now and getting ready for my degree next year.


Two months after my ist semester level 400 in this year 2023,no official job was forthcoming. I was just teaching in one private school located where I'm living. And I was paid based on my level of education every month

. I really enjoyed teaching children because is like a calling to me by God. I can't say that the salary is encouraging or good to compare to what we the teachers pass true but because am devoted and enjoyed teaching others I see it as a fun instead of a job. And their is no increment that will match to or complete my joy in teaching so as to speak, so I have never dream to give up, even though am facing alot of financial problem yet I still sees it as fun and a call from God. That's why I decided to focus more on my hive online platform to support my husband and build up our family as we are a new biginners.


2022 was a special year for me in many respects. It was the year I got married to my handsome, supportive husband. We got married on 17th December, 2022. Take a lot at some of my wedding pictures.

Another bundle of blessing arrived on 7th September 2023 when I gave birth to twins. Their names are Russell and Henschel


I love meeting with people who are sincere, honest, trustworthy and loyal, they can be my friend for life because I value friendship. I love working hard and I also like industrious and fully responsible people. I also like good and neat looking people because looking good is a good business and it makes God happy.

When it comes to my favorites food I like eating jellof rice, boiled yam with red oil, okro soup and egusi soup and the rest. I love all kinds of fruits with no exceptions, I don't mind taking them all as much as possible each day. As for my best color, it is oxblood both in dressing and hair style followed by blue, I also use red on some occasions and I really derived joy whenever I achieve what I aimed, but I really feel uncomfortable if am unable to achieve them, my friends and family members can testify that.

As for what I hate or dislike, I dislikes keeping bad company that will influence me with bad attitudes. I also hate unworthy friends who doesn't value friendship and who can easily give out their friends because of money. I dislike eating cold food and I hate managing what I take into the body that will nourish me. Finally I dislike any form of corruption and bribery around me or be said.


About last year December, one of male friend @herculeand came to my husband house, he was educating me on how this was going and that since I'm into education I can do it without fear of anyone, so after our chat that day he left. Then I rethink about what we discuss and my interests grew deeper because I have passion in content creating, writing and impacting knowledge of whatever I come to know. I really felt this is another opportunity to do it and even with added value.

With this few weeks I stayed or been in it, I have loved threading because it is like a united family thinking and discussing important aspect of everything we does each day make me happy. As you can see from my threads page below, I have made 190 threads and engaged with


I joined hive because I learnt it will enable me do more research, study more, educate and enhance my writing and thinking skills. It will also add more value to my life and to Hive that I am working for. Secondly my reason for joining hive is because I will be rewarded if am able to make a great effort than others. Moreover, hive is not partial but free and fair that is my reasonable reason why I choose to work and stay for them.


In conclusion, I want to really really appreciate my mentor and friends @fokusnow and @erculeand who has done a great deal by introducing me to this wonderful platform and taking me along despite their very, very tight schedules. I still thanking you my big friend @fokusnow who has been of great help to me, he has been very understanding and patient guiding me as a newbie in this platform called hive.

My thanks also goes to some of my friend whom I met here on thread such as @marajah, @smart29, @zealjoe, @caleb-marvel, @herculeand, @bheteao1, @uzoma24, @taskmaster4450le, @dwanyne16, @biyimi, @monica-ene and others that am unable to mention now.

However, my greatest thanks goes to my heavenly father jehovah who has kept me alive to see this day despite all odds to locate and join hive. I promise and pledge to all my friends who has played vital roles to support me that I wouldn't let them down in micro logging and thread.

Thank you everyone for patiently reading and supporting my post in all ramification never forget I love you and care for all of you.

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