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Timing is One thing Successful Business People Won't Mention

I have heard a lot of rich people talk about how they got into wealth, and while most of them of not all of them talk about how they suffered to the top, or how they had to sell valuables, or how they needed to work their butts off all night, they do not tell us everything we need to know. When these people tell their story, it has now become a cliche, we can tell what they will say even if not correctly, we can predict what they would attribute their success to, and the next stage in their story.

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You see, there is no doubt that hard work, determination, and all the things that they say actually work but they do not usually add some things intentionally like timing. Being at the right place at the right time is one thing the rich will never mention. They do not mention the first movers advantage when they are talking. You see, when you are the first person to start something, you have the first mover's advantage. Sincerely, hard work is required to be successful, but it is not the deciding factor to becoming successful because if that was the case, then you should be a millionaire by now because you are hardworking. Being at the right place at the right time to catch an opportunity of a lifetime that will change your course is a major success key.

Talking about timing, it can be market timing which has to do with the environment of the market where there is an opportunity to catch or Career timing which is major one. You see, career timing has to do with what you have in respect to what you are chasing. For instance, you cannot be making a thousand dollars a month and looking to start a million dollar business business a month only to expect that you would succeed. The reality of the whole thing is you would not success because the odds are against you and the business does not match your career timing but if you have the finance and the team to meet the plan, then you can say that you are in the right place at the right time.

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Talking about market and career timing, because you see your role model starting a business at their level doesn't mean you should start the same business. If you are not in the right place at the right time with the timing, then you will fail woefully just like you have always failed. If you intend to succeed, follow little milestones, beat them one after the other before talking about becoming big. Start small, keep going, and take every milestone as a big one because they are all big.