Handling poverty

I am used to hearing in my work environment colleagues who bitterly express how badly they are doing financially, and how their pockets end after the week's purchases; with zero opportunities for the occasional treat. This has led me to ask myself the question: are we as poor as we say? Or we certainly exaggerate and do not see the value of what we possess..

Many people do emphasize the lack of job opportunities and how it is leads us to settle for what we have and be glad to survive another day.

I was very sorry to realize how miserable that thought was; I am not saying that it is wrong to thank for a roof, a hot meal, or well-kept clothes, to say that we are fine, despite the bad services, the bad drinks, the anguish due to the continuous lack of income every week, LIVE THINKING ABOUT WHAT WHAT WE MISS, when they are fundamental things that must be covered so that human beings can live in a dignified and honorable way.

Many years ago, many people around me did not have to think about what we are going to eat tomorrow, if we reserve a little food for lunch to complete dinner, imagining what we will wear at Christmas, EVEN if we are going to travel this year to visit grandma.

I'm not one of those who thinks this will end in a couple of years. It will cost MUCH MORE; but, if you find yourself in the power to do something, TAKE the initiative and improve your life and current situation for a brighter one without basic needs. Reflect, meditate, if your situation is not as good as you imagine.

I wish you the best on your way, and that it is, despite the stones, do not discourage you.

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