RE: Old Ways Won't Open New Doors.

you certainly describe the ideal of science and technology. i agree there have been incredible advancements compared to mere decades ago.
i do however warn that many of these advances are superficial and serve an ulterior motive ultimately. it depends on the technology.

smartphones have made people dependent, there is way less face to face interaction and our lives online have become hollow looking at a screen for hours on end.

other advancements turn out to be steps backwards. take "modern agriculture" with chemical pesticides for example. it erodes soils, poisons food and shifts control to large multinational corporations and government regulations.

take the "modern" system of medicine that has all but stopped looking for psychosomatic causes or physical toxins in our lives, and instead hunts for invisible little agents that somehow infect us (the so called "germ theory").

i feel it is wise we use technology specifically and intentionally, and always remain vigilant.

blessings dude

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