Why are you into crypto?

Have you really sat down and asked yourself this question "Why am I into crypto?", because I feel some people do not really know why they are into crypto, while some people are into crypto for the wrong reasons, some people came into crypto following the trend and hype of crypto, because they have been hearing about it a lot and want to join in to be relevant or act relevant like they know what they are doing but they honestly do not.


While some others came into the crypto industry because their friends are into crypto and they are making money or because they heard that people are making money from crypto without bothering to know what crypto is and how it works, so they came into the crypto market with the gambler mindset of hitting a million dollars or more overnight or from one trade, which most of the time they end up losing all their money and start calling crypto a scam, because they were just jumping in and out of trades hoping to hit an imaginary jackpot they have in their heads.

But some other people like us came into the crypto industry because we believe in decentralization and we know in our hearts that crypto is the future and a path to Financial Freedom, plus the fact that we hate the traditional money structures, hate the banks ripping us off with a million and one unnecessary charges, high rise of inflation making the value of our money in the bank to depreciate continuously, also because of the fact that the government can not touch, manipulate and control them.

I love the principles of Decentralization and the potential for a fair playing field in commerce, it is privacy, it is freedom, available, and has the same value all over the world, it is borderless, unlike fiat you must have to convert it before you can use it in another country. The borderless financial transaction possibility gives me joy and also not worrying about the amount we are carrying in our wallets to be seized by authorities, I can keep going on and on for days talking about why I got into crypto but let me stop here, just know this I love everything about crypto with my heart and am still learning more about crypto every day.

Crypto is Freedom and its mass Adoption is inevitable.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

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