SAD: September is almost over and I am yet to achieve my HIVE set out goals for September

Honestly, it sucks that September is almost over, in fact, it is over because it is just one day left for the month of September and I didn't achieve my set out goals on Hive to achieve, the only one I achieved was $1,000 in my HBD (Hive backed dollar) savings, and I achieved that because I bought some Hive and converted it to HBD because I do not like keeping money in the bank anymore.


Because the banks in my country have made it a habit to rip off those who save their money in the bank with a lot of unnecessary and annoying charges that make no sense at all, so I made the decision that instead of me getting ripped off by the bank all the time for no reason, and since the value of my country's money keeps devaluing against the United States dollar every day is it, saver, to save my money in Stablecoins and the coin I have invested in.

My September Goals vs Reality

Honestly, I knew deep down that I might not achieve some of the goals I set out for September, not because they were outrageous and unreal but because I know I was trying my best to achieve my goals but it looks like my best was not good enough, which is sad and sucks but even if I do not achieve them now I will still achieve them someday it is just time it will take and I am ready to put in work and time to achieve them as I have been doing in the past.

My Goals For September And What I Achieved

I started the month of September with:

  • 2,860 HP my goal was 3,500 HP what I achieved was 3,181.5 HP.

  • 71.2 Reputation my goal was 73 - 75 Reputation what I achieved was 71.61 Reputation.

  • 641 in my HBD saving, my goal was 1,000, I achieved this because I bought Some.

  • 2,251 LEO Tokens my goal was 3,000 LEO Tokens, what I achieved was 2,500 LEO Tokens.

I hope to achieve the goals I didn't achieve in September in October.


Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu

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