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It is ridiculous how Apple wants 30% commission on all NFT transfers or they shut down the NFT wallet Application

It is ridiculous how Apple wants 30% commission on all NFT transfers or they shut down the NFT wallet Application

Coinbase Wallet, the easiest and most secure crypto wallet, dapp browser, and your gateway to the decentralized web according to their official Twitter page called out Apple in a thread for their ridiculous and greedy behavior towards NFT wallet Applications, so Apple implemented a policy that the gas fees required to send NFTs on Apple devices like iPhones and Mac books need to be paid through their own In-App Purchase system so that they can collect 30% of the gas fee or they would force the company to completely remove NFTs from the wallet application.


This is why you can not send NFTs using Coinbase Wallet iOS anymore because Apple blocked their last application release until they disabled the NFT wallet feature or allow Apple to collect a 30% commission on all NFT transfer fees or Gas fees, which is ridiculous and totally unfair. At first, I thought maybe Coinbase wallet was just blowing things out of proportion until I read the comments under the thread and I was shocked.

Here are some comments from other NFT wallet providers that were affected:

Atomic Wallet: Same happened for Atomic, unfortunately. Apple asked to implement their API to purchase NFTs with 30% commission, or completely remove NFTs from the wallet app. Despite we just show the data from blockchain.

Nick Juness: They can do it because Apple doesn't apply the rules evenly across all apps. They killed the updates to my app for this exact same reason over a year ago. They pick on the bigger apps less. It's anti-competitive. Trust and Metamask do EXACTLY the same thing.

There are a lot of other comments like this which made many people question if Apple is being greedy and steadily standing in the way of innovation because they already have a massive user or fan base. Many people even went as far as saying that if Apple does not take caution they might end up like BlackBerry and Nokia products which used to be the technology giants in the past but a no more now, that it will only take a matter of time before other companies take over Apple if they continue like this because No one believed that Nokia and Blackberry will be where they are today.

Discord: onwugbenuvictor#3447
Twitter: @VictorOnwugbenu