The Need for Money strengthens The Mindset


Money is so important in life, because it solves most of the daily needs in life.
Hearing spiritual leaders saying money is the root of all evil is their perception.
They have a lot of explanation glued to their saying.
I dispute that fact because money is not the root of all evil.
The need for money strengthens people mindset and way of thinking.
It brings out the hidden creativity in someone.
Money boost morale, the fear to take risk is sometimes eliminated once their is involvement of money.
A movie I watched some time ago, was talking about a lady whose parents provided all her needs.
She had nothing to worry about in finance aspect.
Until when they carelessly lost everything without registering any of their properties.
They died trying to get what they lost back.
Their daughter was able to run off with few of the things she owned like designer clothes, bags and shoes with some jewelries.
She sold them to take care of pressing needs like house,food etc.

After solving the pressing needs, she was left with little money.
She had to stay awake all night thinking of what to do to earn more money with the little she had left.
She was someone that enjoys her sleep anything any day.
But need to make money changed her.

Now I believe what they say about the rich not sleeping.
“Sleep is for the weak”.
Money is survival, survival is money.

With this I hope to be consistent here on hive. says plan your week.
I want to start with little but consistent steps.
Hive is the best platform that connects one to lots of crypto verse.

Cheers to us.......

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