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German economy minister actually believes that economic recovery will occur from October

Germany's economy may recoup from October onwards from the coronavirus pandemic, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier said in a paper meet on Sunday.

I am sure that the downturn of our economy can be ended after the mid year break and that from October onwards, the economy can start growing again in Germany," he told the mass spread Bild am Sonntag in a gathering.

While the economy would shrivel by 6% in 2020, development by over 5% would be conceivable in 2021, Altmaier said.

His objective was to arrive at the level that business was at before the emergency by 2022, and to begin heading for recapturing full work after that date, he said.

Altmaier additionally said that the pace of the spread of the infection in the United Status was a significant concern.

"A pandemic that increases out of intensity there, has huge repercussions for the world economy," he said.

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