Loving the new soulbound reward summoners.

Soulbound reward cards.

At the start I was totally against soulbound cards as it went against everything that the game had promised in it's early days. I'm still not a huge fan of the concept but knowing that the cards will become fully owned at some stage in the future does take the sting out things considerably.

It did however seem to turn off the bot owners as the amount of games being played dropped massively since the changes came in. Funnily enough when I went looking for the stats the amount of battles has almost recovered since then. You can see the big dip form when the changes came in.


Soulbound summoners.

We have had a couple of reward based summoners in the past but nothing like this scale here with a full set available.

Just Daria Dragonscale and Kretch Tallevor.

Now we have these,


This is a whole different ball game however. It usually costs a lot of money to max out summoners where as reward cards are easy to pick up on the market. It's going to be interesting to see how fast it will take to build a complete set of these new summoners but suddenly I will be able to have a full selection of splinters for free.

This has already incentivized me to get back into champion and increase my rewards to speed up the process. With the rental markets in the gutter it makes more sense to pull some cards back to my deck and try to earn as many cards as possible to complete the new reward set and then stack the extras for when they can be sold or rented.

The new abilities are interesting as they are similar to the OG summoners but with the conscript ability added for three extra mana. Probably worth it in the higher mana battles as I often have mana to spare any way plus it will bring in the more powerful gladiators to the party when they are used.

This brings a lot of new complexities to the game and more pressure to do well in the brawls and level up the gladiators cards as well.

At the moment I don't have a fire or a water splinter active as it was more profitable to rent out those cards on the market but since I will have summoners in my account that i can't sell it is the one thing to but up a few of the cheap reward cards from the last set, build up the latest set and combined with my neutrals be able to compete in all of my battles going forward. It wasn't often but once in a while i had to surrender as i couldn't play the splinter selected which always hurts.

I have also noticed my rewards improving since the latest changes as less players are competing for the reward pool maybe? Or the team have increased the drop rates with these new multiple rewards? I'm not sure but it definitely seems to be better than it was.

Anyway I will have to try and get back to playing more regularly and move up the ranks again. My account was on autopilot for the past while but the bots aren't great with their selections a lot of the time. It's also not a bad time to buy some of the older cards which have dropped in price as the player numbers have declined.

Only 115 cards to max out each one so that shouldn't take too long. I hope....

Try for yourself.

If you haven't played the game before then now is the best time to join. Today is much better than tomorrow and a lot better than later.

Cards worth a few cents now will have a much higher value in the future as the print runs out. We have a strong community and seen this happen every time as it grows with the game.

Link to the game here,


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