Is it sustainable to write 365 articles in a year?

Quality over quantity?

Taskmaster not counting as we all know that he is rogue bot that is locked into the blockchain, should we be writing as many articles as we do or can we keep up this rate of production over years?

I'm not sure how many articles a professional writer would produce but if you were producing high quality articles for a publication then i would expect it to be more like 1-2 per week rather than per day.

Like this one here it is easy to produce a piece of work that fits the bill but to produce a high quality piece that would appeal to the masses then it involves research, time, effort and knowledge of that topic to even attempt it.


I can churn out multiple splinterlands articles per week and keep spinning hive content every other day to keep production up and keep earning which is kind of the point of the system as it is set up right now.

There is no benefit to putting days into content and no incentive to do it either. If I was hosting my own website where the revenue depended on the views that my content generated then i would be a lot more selective with what content was posted to there.

Hive is a content machine. Produce as quickly as possible, attract some votes and then dump it onto the chain, never to be seen again. There are a few exceptions to this but they are few and far between.

That is why the voting mechanism is ar more suited to short form content like threads that are only meant to capture that instant gratification from the audience and gain a little value in return.

Long form doesn't suit our current set up and it's a very internal audience that even look at it.

The funny part being that any articles that i have put in the time and effort to create something higher quality have gotten no attention. Very few votes and very few comments.

Anything that i can sit here and write off the top of my head tends to gain some attention and and some commentary.

Maybe i just appeal to the lowest common denominator on hive that are here for the cheap thrills or maybe that is just what people want to see on hive?

It's hard to tell but to write an article every day you do tend to lose the quality that would be nice to see and stand the test of time.

Maybe in times to come we will have a front end that does focus on lasting content but for now it's all about that instant attention grab.

Write and keep writing until you run out of words.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column