Attend this years hivefest for free!!! .

Curtesy of leofinance and blocktrades


When: 15th to 18th of September.

Where: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

One ticket for this years Hivefest + Accommodation x 2.

If you haven't checked out the official Hivefest post from @roelandp you can get the full details here, or the official website at

The contest.

Full official post from the leo team, here,

To be eligible for this prize you will have to meet seven requirements.

Any Lion who is part of Leo Finance is eligible to follow the next requirement list, and any Lion who fulfills ALL the requirements will become eligible to win one of the two tickets + accommodation prizes. It doesn't matter if your account if 3 years old or two days old.

Full details in the main post here, but all of these requirements will count towards the eight posts total.


This is an amazing opportunity to meet the best and brightest that Hive has to offer. It's been two years since the community has been able to appear in real life and meet up like this.

It won't be easy to win this prize with all of the requirements but it's a prize worth winning.

Not only will you you have a chance to win this amazing prize by competing but you will raise your profile in the community, increase your LEO power, increase your activity and become a better lion in the process.

So what are you waiting for??

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