The Easy Way to Get Rich with HBD

Yesterday I wrote how Getting Rich Ain't Easy.

Today, I'm telling you it is.

In the leofinance discord this morning we were chatting about large HBD holders. And that got me to thinking, what would happen if you really went for it on HBD?

Turns out, 20% interest is pretty good. Shocking, I know.

So I made a spreadsheet (again, shocking):

In this scenario, you buy 3000 HBD per month, every month, for 5 years. Then you start withdrawing. The key to this scenario is inflation-adjusting the withdrawals.

I picked a 6% inflation rate because that is the long-term M2 trend.

So you put in 3k/month for 5 years, which totals 180k.

Then withdrawals start at 4k/month in month 61 and continue to escalate to about 10k/month over years 5-20. Total withdrawals are about 1.3m. At that point the money is depleted.


Still, not bad.

Obviously the deposit and withdrawal numbers are picked out of the air and you can make your assumptions.

Other assumptions include that 1, Hive will continue to be a thing for 20 years, 2, the witnesses will keep the 20% rate, 3, HBD will maintain its peg, etc etc.

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