Income from hive


Today, let's see the income from the hive. A very interesting topic, since most of us are striving for this. Start receiving passive income from hives, or active income for writing posts.

Now I will give a statistics of income from

The income is not so big, because I receive nothing curation reward and haven't received my today's pay yet.

Now I will show the income with POB and leo. I invested a little in POB, so the income there is already more pleasant, but so far not very big.


Look at the income, more than $ 1 every day. Today, only a part was paid for this, there is still no $ 1.

This small victory means a lot to me. In the future, there will be $ 100 every day and I know if I continue in the same spirit, reinvesting and buying coins, then there will be the desired numbers. I have been on this platform for a little more than 2 months, and already such a result. The most important thing is that I do not invest here money from my salary, but money that I earned on the Internet with my ideas for skills.

Anyone who reads this, please, fulfill your goals and dreams, because what is the point of living if you work at a job that you do not like.

P.S. While I was writing the post, I was paid for the post and the income increased significantly, since there is a payment of 19-20 dollars.


Success is closer than you think.

Thank you for your attention!!!
Peace in your home.

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