How much you will earn on 1🍋 Hive Power?


Let's calculate how much you can earn at the current rate on hive power.

Let's imagine a situation that you have 1 million HP. This is enough to live on passive income. We will not take into account income from articles, because it is not possible to calculate profit from this. Let's take the current one for the course. $ 0.74 per hive. Your asset is $ 740,000.

You put 10 likes in just a day, that is, 300 likes per month. Everyone is 100% upvotes. Take our whale as an example. @onealfa likes 5% gets 0.312 HP, and he has 234k HP in the stack.

Accordingly, if our account has 1 million HP, then 1 like will bring 1.33 HP for 5% like. For a 100% like, we will receive 26.65 HP. We will have 266.5 HP per day and 7995 HP per month. If transfer into dollars, then it will be $ 5916.

Okay, we dreamed and that's enough, but we still have to get there. Good luck to all.

Success is closer than you think.

Thank you for your attention!!!
Peace in your home.

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