
Some interesting things are going on in the Cardano ecosystem, I think the future for Cardano is largely built on layer 2 side chains. This is how it could win as a cryptocurrency if the layer 1 Cardano becomes the kind of securing chain that all these weird and successful things are built on top of. We are still very early days for Cardano if you follow the Ethereum journey from the start and ultimately it wasn't still sort of five years down the line when Ethereum has its Defi summer. Cardano is only been around on the markets for five years since 2017. It still has a long way to go but it's a road that there is been achievement constantly made on and what Milkomeda and DC spark are doing is sparks are doing is absolutely huge.

I do believe that there is going to be more traffic and things happening on these layer 2 chains and they are actually underlying layer 1. People think it sort of takes away from Cardano as a layer 1 to have all this traffic on layer 1 but it adds to it because layer one is imperative to the whole process. We know that we are one step closer to Hydra which deals with scalability. We all know that you can potentially get up to a thousand seconds which would make Cardano one of the fastest blockchains but there is a variety of other things you can do with it.

Cardano will be the top EVM chain from next month, EVM is the language that Ethereum uses, the kind of environment that builders on Ethereum use. The reason why everyone wants to be an EVM chain is that it has the largest pool of developers. There is an option through Milkomeda to build on Milkomeda layer 2 which is only possible and connected to Cardano layer 1. This essentially means that you will be able to have EVM applications that run off Cardano through Milkomeda. They also have an Algorand version which they called C1 for Cardano and A1 for Algorand this can also bridge Cardano and Algorand through this Milkameda EVM link. Not only is the answer for scalability, but it is also the answer for scalability and buildability because every single EVM-trained developer will now be able to build on top of Cardano.


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