RE: Technology be accelerating

A very nice saunter down memory lane there but to be fair to the doubters, over the years there have been a great many things that were great tech, even the best that have disappeared without a trace, not necessarily because they were scammy, some were, but because the world just didn't want, and/or was ready for them.

Just in social media, Google+ springs to mind and could anyone imagine Friendster, My Space or whatever being no more, were they 'just fads'? As for Bitconnect, One Coin and god knows how many other fake ICOs a few years back, how can we ever build trust in Blockchain and Crypto again. How many exchanges have collapsed costing so many people so much crypto?

Trying to convince people that this is the future gets harder each day. Unless there is a concerted effort to destroy bad actors and keep the whole space transparent and accountable, crypto may too one day become nothing more than a footnote in tech history. Obviously whilst there is a dedicated band of advocates, it won't happen but we need more users and more believers in the tech and while con artists and shysters are still around and stealing peoples crypto, we can't get the traction needed to build it into an unstoppable monster.

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