Witness Re-Announcement @nathanmars

As most of you know already know, I first became a Hive witness in November 2020 and I disabled my witness node from October 2021 until now. I took a little break from Hive from June until September 2021. The first thing I did since coming back was to delete my DHF proposal and disable my witness because I wanted a fresh new start.

Today is the first day of the year 2022 and I re activated my hive witness node. Special Thanks to @someguy123 and @ausbitbank

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Please remember our witness votes now have an expiry date.

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FIVE Reasons why you should consider voting me as HIVE Witness.

  1. If you believe I'm bringing long term value to our HIVE Network.

  2. If you believe that I'm committed to HIVE.

  3. I'm a true giver and I give unconditionally. I voluntarily contributed to our community in so many ways in the past and currently contributing and my best is yet to come.

  4. Since I came back to HIVE in July 2020, I picked good momentum then slightly lost my focus. Now I'm slowly gaining momentum again to bring more value to our HIVE with a long term vision.

  5. I will continue focusing on HIVE community development, growing HIVE Network effects via Twitter and keep exploring new ways to add value to our Hive network.

Please use https://wallet.hive.blog/~witnesses to vote for my Witness.

Thanks a million to everyone who collectively and individually contributed to building a stronger Hive network during the year 2021. Let's make 2022 the year of Hive.

Hive: leofinance.io/@nathanmars
Hive Witness : Link to vote @nathanmars
CryptoBnB in Sri Lanka: Coming soon...
Bitcoin: bc1qa3k6y6dfd9twfct4vn2akk5903cdx8vtun4yyn
Twitter: Twitter.com/NathanMars7
Telegram: nathanmars7

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