Nobody becomes Warren Buffet in 6 months!

I'm not an investor guru by any means. However I continue to learn the art of investment.

First of all, we must understand that best investment is always investing in ourself. For me, it means learning about yourself, learning what kind of person you're, figuring out what you love to do , figuring out what makes you come alive and doing many experiments with your life.

Secondly, I truly believe that if you want extra ordinary gains with your investment then you must be able imagine a world 10 years from now and place your bets. 90 percent your bets might fail and if you continue to learn along the journey and allow yourself to make mistakes and find at least few successful investors to follow then you'll cultivate good investment decision making.

we are the average of the five people we religiously follow on Twitter.

Thirdly, If you're investing in a start-up then you actually betting on the founding team ability to build a successful business. If you're investing in a protocol HIVE or Bitcoin then you have to deeply understand that how big the problem HIVE is trying to solve.

Startups don't die when they run out of cash, they die when the founders run out of energy.

The difference between investing early into a company and investing early into a protocol is that companies die when they run out of cash, but protocols die when they run out of believers.

Thank you for reading.

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