How can we make 2021 the year of HIVE ? My little suggestions

  1. Create contents daily. I would personally recommend to create your contents with, and If you're too busy then create a buzz with or create content with Dapplr mobile app.

  2. Curate contents daily. I would encourage manual curation. Spread your votes around rather than just voting for your friends and your alt accounts.

  3. Check your witness votes monthly. I personally want to see LeoFinance in top 20. Love to see many new HIVE witness nodes all across the planet like India, Nigeria, Venezuela, Philippines, Indonesia, Greece, Japan, Jamaica and so on. I would love to see healthy competition for top 20 spot.

  4. Check your DHF proposal votes monthly. If you don't want to vote for particular proposal, please try to give some feedbacks. If you've any idea or project or little task that you believe it can add value to HIVE network, then please do put up your own DHF proposal.

  5. Spend few minutes a day on Twitter and help us spread HIVE awareness. Don't underestimate the value HIVE can extract from Twitter. It's hard to measure the results of our collective HIVE Twitter movement because we might not achieve anything big for few months and one day one wealthy individual sees the potential of HIVE and he can push the price of HIVE 10X in a week.

  6. Whenever possible try to onboard your friends and family with HIVE and teach them and guide them with their HIVE journey.

  7. If you can tokenise your community then don't wait. Just do it. Every tokenised community is like small country with their own economy and currency. This is huge for HIVE

  8. Understand that everyone sees the world with different lenses, Not every HIVE stakeholder will not see your contributions and if you have enough people appreciates you and value your work then you can support each other and still be part of larger decentralised HIVE network.

  9. Take ownership of HIVE and cultivate long term investor mindset. Act like owner not like a user.

  10. Learn to enjoy the HIVE journey and take regular breaks. Look after yourself and your loved ones. Healthy you means Healthy HIVE

Thank you for reading.

Stayyyyyyyy blessed! ❤

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