How to expand SPS use case & card Giveaway

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A quick announcement before I get into the main topic. I will be splitting the SBI and card giveaways into two different posts, I haven't decided on a specific day for the SBI post but it should be on Sunday from now on.

SPS Supply and Demand

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SPS has been on a slippery slope over the past 3 months which is only natural since there is a high daily print from the airdrop + the staking + Private investors vesting.
On top of the expanding supply, there is a shrinking demand, there was a big incentive to stake and buy SPS during the Chaos Legion pre-sale to obtain more vouchers and the 10% discount when buying packs.

Now the only remaining incentive to buy and hold SPS is to receive some vouchers to get the extra packs when buying 100 CL packs or more.

There are a lot of loyal players holding SPS in hopes of a better use case in the future which will most likely be introduced when the land expansion comes around.

Quick fix

I would love to see some quick fixes being implemented to help SPS value hold its value while the land expansion is in the works.

I have two suggestions that could be interesting:

  • Launch new skins that can only be bought using SPS and burn all the SPS. There are a lot of new cards that don't have any skins available yet it would be interesting to see some new card designs around the arena.
    Maybe even give an incentive to use skins like 5% extra DEC per win if you use at least 1 skin.

  • Include an SPS paying option for potions and burn it.

If you have any additional suggestions please share them in the comments!

⚔️ Giveaway rules:

  • Upvote / Follow or Re-post is NOT mandatory but it is greatly appreciated.
  • You just have to comment. If you use a different username on Splinterlands please mention the account where you want to receive the cards.
  • Only one comment per person.

The winner will be picked by a randomizer and will be announced on next week's giveaway post every Monday.

⚔️ Cards for this week:

Warrior of Peace.png

Cards will rotate splinter every week, Fire -> Water -> Earth -> Life -> Death -> Dragon -> Neutral. I will also increase the prizes depending on last week's post payout both the value of the card(s) and the amount of SBI shares.
This week if you choose the cards and win you will receive: 2 x Warrior of Peace!

⚔️ Last week winner:

I'm currently using this tool to randomly pick one comment to win the giveaway.

@arcgspy was the lucky winner from last week's giveaway! I will send your reward right away!

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