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Growing my posting habits on Hive / Leo / CTP

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Earlier today I was browsing Leo looking for some interesting content to read / watch and came across @taskmaster4450 "How To Be Successful On Hive" Video that he posted on 3Speak. I've been trying to become more active on Hive lately and some of the tips included on the video were very basic and completely true. I have the bad habit of quitting too fast when I don't see results (Even when I do sometimes).

I decided to start the "My online earnings" journey once again and so far I've been consistent with it. I've been putting in the work and never missed a week, at a certain point it became an habit and updating my spreadsheet became the highlight of my week. As Taskmaster mentioned in his video consistency and perseverance are essential in order to be successful on Hive / Leo and I intend to do just that.

Setting the bar too high is one of the best ways to loose all momentum as soon as I fail so I'll start by posting at least 3 times a week and work my self up to one post per day. As important as posting is reading and comment other users post which I will try to do at least 3 times per day as well and slowly increase. I've tried this before and failed but I won't let that keep me from going at it again.

Some to do's to get me going:

  • Write 20 blogpost ideas to have whenever I'm not inspired or have nothing new to write about.
  • Maybe bring back my weekly Splinterland giveaways.
  • Consider start posting videos on 3Speak.
  • Get more involved in the LEO and CTP community
  • Write some back-up post for the days where I can't find the time to write a new post.
  • Improve my editing skills.

I'm counting on you to hold me accountable for this commitment! If you have any other suggestions I would really appreciate the help.
Looking forward to this new endeavour, hopefully this bull market keeps on giving.