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More Info Before The First MuTerra Sale - Part 1

This post is aimed to supplement the initial post regarding the first sale of MuTerra that is going to happen in the Third Quarter of the year 2021.
The initial post can be read here : Previous Post

Lets start by addressing a few questions that were asked by the community members :

Why should I buy more packs when I can buy just 1 and farm Mutees and MUT tokens by playing the game?

You can most certainly do that but here are the reasons why having more Mutees at your disposal can make your adventure easier :

  1. Different terrains in the game will give different buffs and de-buffs to you Mutee stats depending on its element and size.
  2. Having less Mutees will restrict you to specific terrains, while exploring on other terrains will lower your chances to win against enemy Mutees and farm MUT tokens.
  3. Stamina Issue : Using your Mutees in battle will decrease their Stamina stat. When it hits 0, your Mutee is rendered useless till it recovers its Stamina. Therefore, having more Mutees at hand is always beneficial.
  4. Burning Mutees is the easiest way to get MUT tokens.
  5. The Mutees you get from the first sale packs will not be available in the wild and in any future sales.
  6. More packs will increase the chances of you getting Gold Foiled Mutees. They have slightly better stats than their Regular Foiled counterparts.
  7. Try to have a complete collection of all the Mutees!

Why I should buy Mutees of Very Small size in this sale when I can wait and buy Mutees of larger sizes in future sales?

  1. Inability to use the larger sized Mutees for exploration and battles : A larger sized Mutees needs a cage corresponding to its size. Larger cage parts are not readily available in the lower levels of the game, which is where you start exploring initially.
  2. Higher Price of the packs : The packs that will hold the larger sized Mutees will be more expensive.

When will the sale happen?

We plan to have our first sale in the THIRD QUARTER of 2021

Where will the sale take place?

Its decided that the sale will happen on HIVE blockchain for sure.

Having half the packs on WAX blockchain is still being discussed. We cannot have the transfer capabilities of the Mutee NFTs from WAX chain to HIVE chain in the first sale itself. It will only be possible when the game launches. If the community members are okay with this delay, then we will have the sale on WAX blockchain too. Do let us know what you think.

What is µt-corp-council and How do I become its member?

µt-corp-council is a body of members that are either elected or nominated or bought-in. This body makes decisions on how the MUT token of the game will be used.

  1. Join our Discord here : MuTerra Discord
  2. Buy any NFT of MuTerra from here : MuTerra NFT
  3. Drop a message that you are interested in being a part of the council.

In order to keep this post short and faster to read, more details will be shared in the next post which can be read here :
More Info Before The First MuTerra Sale - Part 2


Fiona, A Legendary Tamer, is known to have a deep connection with Mutees. Its said that her Mutees are always stronger than their counterparts.

Name : Fiona
Rarity : Legendary
Starting Bid : 1000 WAX
Mint Number : #3
Total Mints : 5
In-Game Use : This NFT will have a guaranteed use-case in MuTerra Game when it launches.


Read the whitepaper on Our Website : MuTerra

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