RE: Closing the No Loss Lottery

I appreciate your effort, but i know both options and none of them provides the search/filter i‘m looking for. On hive-engine it is about the same as opening my wallet on leo-finance, no transaction search, no use. dtools is almost there, just one search field more would do the trick … -my account- and -token- is there, but a third field for -transacting account- is missing … then one could search for all transactions between two specific accounts plus the transacted token … i.e. moretea-nolosslottery-leo … this would be massively helpful for everybody, don‘t you think? … let‘s check out if the engine and dtools dev @reazuliqbal is still around and can help with this or at least explain if it should‘nt be possible for some reason … i don't understand why this is not a standard option in the wallets 🤔 i‘ll try and put this topic on the table over on discord.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column