Chaos Legion Presale Conditions Revealed


Booster Information

The total number of boosters planned to be released for the Chaos Legion set is 15M (10X the number of Untamed edition boosters that were released). Chaos Legion Booster will contain 5 cards randomly chosen from the Chaos Legion set with one card guaranteed to be rare or better.

Booster Price

Presale booster price is set to be $4.00 USD. An increase of $2.00 USD from past sets. Presale will last for 30 days and is scheduled to start on the date of Monday, October 18th, 2021. Purchasing presale packs will come with the following benefits.

  • In game Title for those who purchase 1000 boosters or more
  • 10% discount for purchases made with SPS
  • chance of receiving a special limited-edition promo card

When presale ends booster packs will continue to cost $4.00 USD but you will not get the added goodies displayed above. A voucher will be needed to purchase Booster Packs throughout Presale. No voucher = No ability to purchase presale packs. The vouchers will be airdropped to those staking SPS tokens. One million Chaos Legion boosters will be available during presale / 1 million Vouchers will be airdropped. These vouchers will be tradable on Hive-Engine. The voucher system will be in place for at least a portion of the regular sale of Chaos Legion. Its unclear in the PreSale Announcement Post if/when the voucher requirement will be removed.

Booster Purchase Bonuses

  • 100 - 499 - 10% additional pack bonus
  • 500 - 1999 - 15% additional pack bonus
  • 2000+ - 20% additional pack bonus

Long Story Short

Stake SPS tokens if you want Chaos Legion Boosters. My take on this is the increase to $4.00 USD is too high but understandable. The higher price will help maintain current card values and the value of the cards within the now $4.00 Boosters should see a higher start point when being sold on the various Splinterlands marketplaces. Also I see no benefit to buying first day of Presale, it might be best to hoard all vouchers that one can and buy the last days of presale so one can get the highest Booster Purchase Bonus.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands is an online blockchain game built on the Hive Network. It utilizes NFT's for game play. These NFT's and other in game assets are tradable and have real monetary value. Click here to play or to invest in Splinterlands today. Chaos Legion is the name of the next set of in game cards/NFT's that will soon be available for purchase.

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