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A quick trading opportunity

Hello Hive

Did you miss out in what seems like a quick trading opportunity?.
Hive sold at $1.15 at about 2am yesterday and I believe someone was fast asleep by then while today gives quite an opposite direction.
Dumping at that new peak of $1.15 to buy back at the current price of $ 0.7540 would mean that you earn additional 0.4 of the amount of hive traded.

Hitting a low of $0.75 came real quick, as so much uncertainty and indecision circled me yesterday.
Not knowing if we would hit another bottom soon or that I may have sold too early at the $1.15 peak.

Its all clear today and and just like gambling opportunity for some quick trade did show up.
And we might even go a little lower than this, who knows?.

This is all about how to multiple and earn more hive quickly aside the the amount earned on blogging or curation rewards.

I have my rewards in 100% power up and had to initiate a power down so as to get some hive I can try this kind of lucky quick trades 😂

My vote weight is attached to my hive power and thus holds a lot of money, it will be a good idea to find how possible means of how to multiply and get those figures up in no time.