Change of plans...change of attitude...


The past month or so my free time is so limited that you wouldn't believe...This is also the reason why I can't keep up with the same pace of posting as I used to do for almost 2 years now.

In order to produce something valuable to the rest of the community one has to be calm...and I am far from calm these days...

So instead of posting some random crap just to earn some STEEM (that's not me...) I prefer to watch from the sidelines these days.

That of course gave me the opportunity to read. Yeah, you heard right. You wouldn't believe how many posts I've read the past month. Not only from people I follow but mostly from people that I don't.

Does that mean that I have upvoted everything I've read? Of course not...

I've seen plagiarism...I've seen really bad written posts...I've seen tons of posts written in languages that unfortunately I can't speak or read...I've seen completely low effort posts whose authors keep complaining that their effort goes unnoticed...

If you dear reader want to upload a couple of photos and expect to be noticed...make sure you do it the way @derangedvisions can learn a thing or two if you scroll down his blog.

I've also seen great posts from "famous" authors who are reaping the rewards. And they should.

And some really high effort posts from not so "famous" authors that didn't cross the 0.50$ mark.

I am lurking in the shadows...

This stressful month, made me change my attitude. My Steem attitude.

Almost 80% of my daily voting is manual, and I intend to make it to 100%. One could say: "Now where you have so little free time autovotes is a MUST." Nah...Quite the opposite I would say...

I had this epiphany where I couldn't care less if I make a couple of extra STEEM every day. I really DO enjoy reading and I prefer to cast my votes after I read first.

Curation rewards suck this way, but I don't mind.

But I do mind to make new comers feel welcomed and "force" them to stay.

We all agree that we lack of an organised promotional STEEM campaign, right?

Now tell me this.

Is there a better FREE advertisement for STEEM than to support those who have just arrived? Try to imagine someone telling their friends that during his first week on Steem he made 15$. Or 20$...I am pretty sure that their friends will jump in here in no time.

I am not suggesting that we should blindly support everyone, because there is also too much junk out there, obviously. But trust me if you are willing to do the dirty job you will find posts worthy of your upvotes...

Don't expect everything from whales, and curation projects...they are only a few. But a few average dolphins / orcas can really make a huge difference and even a % of their vote could be that thin line between pushing someone to try even harder or run far away from here once and for all.

Want mass adoption? Good. So do I.

So why not try the cheap way before or someone with really deep pockets decide to spend thousands if not millions of dollars to promote Steem via an organised promotional campaign? If....

Do I sound like a maniac maybe? Don't you dare to say yes...

I just want STEEM to thrive and I am sure I am not the only one around here.

Want STEEM at 0.14$ or at 14$?

Then do your blood will bring in more new blood...

FREE advertisement...

Now I m going to search the "New" and "Introduceyourself" tags and make some peoples day...

Anyone with me? I could use some help...

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Have a great one peeps.

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors
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