Elon Musk was going after Apple?

Elon Musk going after Apple is Apple really going to remove Twitter from its app store. Today, we are going to explain to you the complete drama happening between one of the biggest Tech Giants in the world and the richest person on Earth right now, who is none other than Elon Musk.


So let's get started…

On November 28th 2022, Twitter owner Elon Musk opened fire against Apple over its tight control of what is allowed on the App Store, saying the iPhone maker has threatened to oust his recently acquired social media platform. Musk also joined the chorus crying foul over a 30% fee Apple collects on transactions via its App Store, the sole gateway for digital content to get onto its coveted mobile devices.


Series of tweets fired up by Musk included a meme of a car with his first name on it veering onto a highway off-ramp labeled "go to war" instead of continuing onwards towards paying 30%. The billionaire CEO also tweeted that Apple has threatened to withhold Twitter from its App Store but won't tell us why. With all these tweets, Elon also created a poll asking if Apple should publish all censorship actions it has taken that affect its customers. Around 85% of over 2 million votes agreed with the poll. But only two days later, on November 30, Musk tweeted that the misunderstanding about Twitter potentially being removed from Apple Inc.'s App Store had been resolved following his meeting with iPhone maker CEO Tim Cook. The billionaire CEO said in his tweet, "Tim was clear that Apple never considered doing so."


As per reports, Twitter has seen a huge decline in revenue ever since Musk took over the social media giant on October 27 of this year. Notably, a host of advertisers have quit the microblogging site over concerns about hate speech and confusion over how Musk plans to moderate content on the platform. Of the total Twitter revenue, about 90% is from ad sales. Musk has allegedly blamed activists for putting pressure on advertisers to pull out of Twitter.
But after all of this, let's look into what prompted Elon to think that Apple is removing Twitter from the App Store. According to some reports, tensions began after Musk acquired Twitter. Apple began pulling advertising from the platform, along with other companies, due to loosening moderation. Musk has promised free speech on Twitter and unbanned several controversial accounts. This has left advertisers nervous about investing in the platform, including Apple. Lack of moderation could also mean Apple has grounds to remove Twitter from the App Store for violating its rules. Other platforms like Parlor have been banned from the App Store for this reason. And that was why Elon thought that Apple is soon going to remove Twitter from their App Store. Well, this was the whole story of a drama happening between the world's richest person, Elon Musk, and the tech giant Apple. Announce the time to end.

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