ForceFi: introducing the decentralized crowdfunding

I have been working with Mikhail, the CEO and Founder of ForceFi one year ago, when he onboarded me on Bitlevex, an exchange where we tried to integrate tokenomics after the launch of the Exchange to stimulate people in taking learning paths into the platform.
I liked the way he worked. Pragmatic, not too much of a dreamer but rather a practical person.

When he contacted me again in December, I was of course interested in what he was working on. I knew the approach would have been realistic again.

He talked me about the idea of creating a decentralized crowdfunding platform and I was amazed. I really liked the idea of a decentralized platform to crowdfunding to give 100% transparency to the investors (even institutional) that are investing into a project that would carry the ICO through ForceFi.

The first name we thought was DFO: Decentralized For-Profit Organization but it was temporary as we were not really convinced about it. Then, after an internal team-brainstorming we came to ForceFi.

ForceFi: the Force into Finance

You can see the page here and here the project link

Anyway, when talking with Mikhail I highlighted one point: we missed the “decentralized” form to guarantee that the project we were onboarding were deserving and legit without a centralized control from a committee or from the Founders.
That’s were I introduced the “Curator” role. Together we decided then to integrate Curators and Super-Curators for the evaluation of the projects that after onboarding, could really advance to the Crowdfunding stage.

Curators and Super-Curators will be the spine of a self-regulating Evaluating Committee

Curators are going to be an independent committee that will be chosen from the project or they will be able to apply to become a Curator of the project joining ForceFi.

What are going to be the benefits for Curators?

  1. A Share from the rasied funds from the projects
  2. Extra forms of Monetization by performing actions onto the ForceFi platform
  3. Possibility of extra-Deals with the project

Projects will have a double stage joining ForceFi. In the first one they will pay a small fee of 0.5ETH to be pre-assessed from the Curation team. Curators will be asked to join the Curation team OR they will freely apply to be onboarded in the Curation team of a project.

So, be careful: the Business Model is not to get the fee from as many project as possible as that is just a symbolic fee to commit the project to work actively with the Curators. We are building a decentralized launchpad so our profit (as well for Curators and Stakers) will be the successful raise of the projects themselves!

Besides, in exchange for such Registration Fee the project will get

  1. The set of smart contracts to start crowdfunding in a fully transparent way
  2. Access to Curators, professionals that may be involved to improve, assess and promote the project
  3. Access to the whole Growing community, Funds connections and much more
  4. The onboarded project will get Options on FORC tokens with a random expiration date, that may provide them a great possibility for a additional value (that we expect to be even higher than the Registration-Fee)

After the Curator’s evaluation, the Project may be asked for further development of some parts of the project like Tokenomics, Marketing, IT Development, and so on. Once ready, the project will be open to fundraise through smart-contracts that will keep transparency on all the raised funds.

Curation team, then, will get a share on all the raised funds if the Crowdfunding reaches the Soft Cap, that will be established in advance. In that way, Curators that have already contributed to the evaluation of the project and have stated that the project is ready (after potential integrations) they will be actively involved in the crowdfunding part, getting rewarded on the total success.

At the moment, we are seeing a huge demand to join the Curation team so we have removed the cap at 80 people forming the Curation Team, onboarding all the deserving profiles. At the moment we are looking for some KOLs and influencers but also for professionals from different expertise that can cover all the evaluation checkpoints of the project.

So, we are not simply onboarding all the people applying because we want to keep the level high, to ensure a very high quality of due diligence from the Curation Team to the onboarding projects.
Not all the Curator will be always be onboarded and we plan to involve maximum 7 curators per each project, depending on the size of the crowdfunding.

Besides, there are a couple of other Key Features on ForceFi: the first one is that all the Token Holders that will hold more than 30k FORC tokens will have the rights to take part into a share of the earning made from ForceFi. We called them "Dividend Earners/Angel Investor". We are still looking for a proper name for such role.

We will also have a referral program for Users onboarding projects and Curators. In this case, a percentage of the revenue from the Project and a share of the Earning of the referred Curator will be shared with the referrer.

We are really working to create a self-sustainable ecosystem and the Curators applications are open. If you would like to be onboarded and have the chance to take part in active evaluation of projects, make sure to give us a shout!
In this moment, by applying to become a Curator, there will not be the commitment of purchasing an amount of token, that after the launch will be required to apply to become a Curator.

Check the Whitepaper and the page. If you are interested, drop a link or ping me on Telegram at @ mikezillo , or reply here so I will drop you privately the link and the instructions to Apply for the selections for the Curator and Ambassador roles!

All graphics have been taken from

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