Unlocked the Silver League and Buying and Opening Gladius And Major Chests

I started the current season from Bronze II and quickly advanced and managed to unlock the silver league today. My highest summoner level, excluding my reward cards, is 2, so advancing to the silver league in such a short time was a significant achievement for me. And my goal is to break my own record by reaching silver II.

I also bought and opened 5 Major Chests and a Gladius Case today, here's what I got from them;

I got 5 Cards from the Gladius case, one rare and four common.

I got 4 alchemy potions, 10 legendary potions, 6 common cards and 338 Merits from major chests. I wasn't so lucky opening the packs today, but that's okay, it was still exciting to open them. I hope I get more wonderful rewards in the future.

Best of luck!

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