I Cooked Two Chickens So I Could Write Two Posts

One of the challenges of being a work from home mom, is that you still have to tend to your home while you are working.

If you have a phone call to tend to

Which is what I usually have to do as I give Psychic Advice for a living, and your toddler is taking the 9 year olds barbie house and emptying out the closet of dozens of pairs of barbie shoes, then you have to choose:

Hive Stock Images
picture from Hive Stock Images thanks @insaneworks

Do I continue talking to this person who is putting 1.21USD in my pocket every minute? Or do I save the barbie shoes that I will later have to replace?

Well, as long as the toddler doesn't eat them, right?

Right now the kids are all home for summer.

Which means that they have to eat.

Which means that someone has to prepare food.

Which means that someone has to clean the kitchen afterwards.

Thank God for Dishwashing machines.

I decided that in order to make life easier for me, I was going to cook in bulk, and have them graze on the meals all day.

It took me six tries before I finally did it "right"

It turns out that I was not making as much food as I needed.

As the teenager pointed out, I am used to feeding them breakfast, sending them off to school (enjoying the free-for-everyone lunches and snacks), then having them come home, eat some dinner and call it a day.

Now that they are home all day every day, I have to buy more food.

Which is why I roasted two chickens, bought a bunch of tortillas, made a bunch of salsa and grilled a great deal of veggies

Hive Stock Photos-Salsa
this is not my salsa, I got the image from hive stock images thank you @wiwit2

And it finally worked. It turns out that grilling one chicken is barely enough for a lunch meal, but grilling two chickens makes the food last for several meals, plus some leftover.

I think its because if they see all that chicken, then they don't have to eat it fast, because they know there's more.

That's also probably why the listnerds wall keeps getting knocked down

If there was a huge buy wall, then there would be no hurry to sell, but since its not that big, people are taking while they can and running with the profits.

One chicken? Eat it all before your sister does! Two chickens? Save some so mom can turn it into soup!

The chickens were fully used

We had tacos, soup, and chicken salad.

We were able to make three meals out of it, and some snacks.

And here is the second post I promised myself I would write after I had all that free time from cooking two chickens.

And sometimes those are the types of changes you can make, so you can give the time to your commitments.

For me its cooking two chickens.

What changes can you make so that you have enough time to meet your goals?

if anybody is wondering why I need two chickens to feed my family, its because there are six of us in a household and my kids are popular, so there are other kids coming in and out, and yes, eating. Because how can you eat a taco in front of a kid without offering them one too? And yes, I know that part of the reason why my kids are popular is because I feed their friends

I would like to note that I did more than write two posts

I also gave lots of advice (from people who asked for it and wanted it), wrote my "How to Thrive During Mercury Retrograde" workbook which needs some finishing touches before I upload it to KDP (which allows you to print on demand), did some rising star missions, earned some splinterland cards AND cuddled with my babies.

I am cooking in bulk again this week, lasanga anyone?

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