First HypeTurf post, checking out a new Hive Blockchain frontend

There seems to be a lot of new things that happen on Hive quickly. For the last few days, I have been seeing this message in comments: Hi (insert name here), you just received an upvote from @gotgame on behalf of
Hypeturf is HIVE frontend built by @gotgame where you can earn rewards on Hive by creating engaging content and commenting on posts.

So I visited Hypeturf today. It's a new front end for bloggers that use the Hive Blockchain. I started in Hive about 4 months ago. I have used,, and for posting. I will spend the next few weeks using to see what I like and dislike.
First impression, the frontend is clean and easy to read on my screen from Hypeturf. I like that. I find Leofinance sometimes cluttered. I think @peakd as some excellent tools for users, like lists, collections, and wallet interface. I like that @ecency rewards bloggers with points that can be used to promote within the ecency website. I didn't find either of these items in Hypeturf.
Second impression, where's my wallet? I couldn't find it in Hypeturf. And, I wanted to post a different article as my first post. But the community that I wanted to post to is not in the popular community list.
Third impression, Hypeturf is built by Olatunde Oladunni, @gotgame. Looks like he's been around since 2017 and has an excellent reputation. That's important. And he/she is actively following others and actively followed. I like to see people that are working to improve Hive Blockchain. Thanks @gotgame.
Fourth impression, there's no save draft function. I just noticed that. I use sometimes and there's no draft save there either. So be careful not to navigate from your post before submitting!
I will end with saying #bvamp Like HypeTurf, we want to see more engagement on Hive Blockchain. So we started a community called Blockchain Vampires We are track the actions of Clergy Relics (humans) #bhuman and Royal Vampires #bvamp to see who will gain control of the Hive Realm.
Final impression, HypeTurf is pretty easy to navigate. I hope there are some comments that give more insight onto why and who is using @hypeturf. I found the writing of a post easier in this format because it is more intuitive! However, I could not upload an image. Blockchain Vampires website

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