Twitter Sold - Jack Dorsey Gave His Reasons

It's no news that Elon Musk, the billionaire has been showing interest and making moves to buy Twitter for himself. And it's no news that he has finally bought Twitter with approximately $44 from Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter.

While so many are happy about this news, there are some who still argue that twitter shouldn't be sold but I don't see how the few can out number those in support of this change... Even the founder is in support of it.

But there are no actions without motives and Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey has given his reasons for selling out twitter to Elon Musk. We won't go into why Elon Musk decided to buy Twitter but what's more important now is, why Jack Dorsey think it's a good idea to sell Twitter to the 50 years old billionaire guy.


Jack's Reasons

He said in one of his tweets that he loves twitter and making twitter keep up the public consciousness is his main goal. Twitter is media own by a company and it has always been his sole issue and biggest regret... What a surprising one!

Jack doesn't believe anyone should own or run twitter and the more better way to solve this problem, Elon Musk is the singular solution he trusts.

We can't tell exactly what could be going on Elon Musk mind but he gave the assurance that Twitter will be a platform that would be maximally trusted and broadly inclusive if he gets to own it... Elon Musk have big plans for this platform and Jack Dorsey saw through through those plans.

The founder trusts the buyer and so many do too, we just have to wait and see what he got for the public as all eyes on him now.

By the way, Jack has assured that twitter will continue to serve the public conversation.

I was going through some posts and saw a post written by @qsyal titled Elon Musk bought Twitter - Are You For Or Against It? where he was asking who is in support of Twitter being sold to Elon Musk, twitter being owned by one man.

Well, let's be honest... is it the full over-centralization for a platform the size of Twitter to be owned by literally a single person?

I'll chose to watch the play out of things as Elon Musk takes over twitter but I will also add that I'm in support of him owning twitter as I see better opportunities that way. Allow me to believe that crypto blogging sites like Hive, Blurt, Read cash may possibly get Elon Musk's attention through this means but that may be possible if more promotions are done... My thoughts through but it isn't impossible.

Twitter has been sold out, what's your thought on it? Do you see more positive changes? Or is this a time where you say "What's the worse that could happen?" and we hope for the better? Leave your comments and let's hear from you.

Thanks for reading!!!

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