You should grab some SUB token

Sub token is a token with 50000 max supply with each 1000 representing 1% mechanical rights ownership of our next album. a token with 50000 max supply with each 1000 representing 1% mechanical rights ownership of our next album.

That mean that 50% of mechanical rights will be owned by hive users.50% of the album revenue will go back to hive.

But from which mechanical rights ? The next album from @stickupboys and if like me you like the @stickupboys music and think they might do great with there next album then you definetly should buy some sub.

A good way to gather more info about sub token is the bro discord server as the stickupboys often chill there and share some info in the chat
Link :

I personnaly i only bought 2 sub because i didn't have more swap.hive so it was more like a supporting buy than an actuall investement.

Anyway DYOR and then buy.
If tou loose money idc and i'm not responsible.

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