Pitching my ideas 2, Lemo and LemoTV

Hello, so a while ago I made a post about HiveFaucet to see if some people wanted to help start it, but it seems like no one wanted it.
But it's okay as long as someone wants to help with that one.

Quick resume so you don't have to read everything:
(Remember, all that follows is what I'd like to set up.)

Lemo is a Twitter-like clone of Inleo, but better.

LemoTV is a magazine.

Let's start with LemoTV. It's a magazine cut into three different sections. LemoNews shares about whole-world news, LemoCrypto shares about hives and other major web-based news, and LemoLifestyle shares cooking or DIY articles. Basically, these 3 accounts post daily or every 12 hours, and once a week, the LemoTV account makes a post with all the biggest news from each category, a special guest interview, updates about the project, affiliated projects news, etc.

What do I need for that?
Well, I'd say at least two writers per account. Let's start with only English, but why not more in the future?

So basically, there are at least six writers.

If you wonder what the rewards could be, I thought: 50% split to the team for all the others in the post (beneficial), 25% sent to the main account, and 25% kept on that account.

The two 25% allow the account to grow HP holdings and therefore get voting power and an increasing RC stock.

The other 50% was split between the different people who worked in some way on the post.

If you're a skilled writer, tell me if you wish to start writing for Lemo, if you want to make some visuals, if you want to be an investor, adviser, or something else, or if you want to do a Discord server.

Why do I want to make this? At the moment, the only hive magazine is @hiq, but these are long posts, while Lemo is more focused on the daily upload of all the news and not just the big ones. As a way to make even decentralized people more informed.

Lemo, let's talk about Twitter, like Lemo.

Well, Inleo is bugged as hell and should have competition because Inleo is kind of the only Twitter like on Hive since d.buzz and waves are a bit different.
So why not make our own? Backed by the LemoTV project,

You might ask how to get the funds for it.

Advertisement, luckyli Lemo doesn't have a token to buyback, so ads could be used to pay for the server fees.

Operation fees: each time you post a Lemo, there will be a 5% fee in the form of setting Lemo as a 5% beneficiary.

Premieum subscriptions: we could think of making a Lemo Premieum at xHBD per month, allowing you to have an ad-free experience, have a nice logo with your username, and reduce or delete the 5% fee.

Curation: Remember how LemoTV and associated accounts are piling up hivepower? Well, let's use it correctly by upvoting the Lemo posted by our community, especially the one with the fewest votes but not enough to pass the payout threshold.

Well, well, well, this one is going to be a bit harder to achieve. You'll need at least 1 or 2 developers (more is better), graphics, investors, advisors, or other people that might be useful.

So if you think any of these ideas are worth trying to start, feel free to tell me in the comments, and if you wish to talk about it privately, send your Discord username under this post, and I will add you.

Have a nice day, see you next shark post

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