What's the best way to yield farm CUB?


It's important to note that there is no perfect or right way to yield farm CUB and a number of different yield farms have been established to support a number of different methods which is a wonderful addition compared to the usual way yield farming is undertaken through staking.

For the purpose of this style we will adopt a no HODL of other tokens and a maximisation of CUB approach. Please if you feel I am incorrect, provide your opinion below on how it can be improved.

In the beginning, Lord @Khaleelkazi put everyone one on notice to keep liquid Leo available for the yield farming and if you did this you would have had a great head start in the game no matter how much you had put aside. Returns on Investment were at 24,000%.


There are a few pools available and the current discussion is around CUB - BUSD pair or purely the Den. The CUB-BUSD pairing if you don't have additional money to contribute isn't the best option. With a current ROI of about 3 CUB per $1000 Investment you're going to need to sell CUB for BUSD and pair to enter the pool.

At current transaction fees and yield ROI it looks like a wonderful pool to enter. It is if you have the additional money to enter but not if you need to sell CUB to enter. When you weigh up transaction costs and impermanent loss this isn't the pool to maximise your ROI. As You want to avoid selling CUB.


If like me your first entry point was through liquid Leo and air dropped tokens then the best place to have headed too was the DEN.

I've been giving thought on wheather or not I should have pair bleo and staked in that farm but again I am faced with having to sell my holdings to enter the farm. In the start the returns would have covered your fees and impermanent loss but as the token began to rise and fall you would have lost a lot more.

The aim is to maximise CUB holdings as this is the main token so you want to end up with 100% CUB. If you have the stakable tokens then this is also a good opportunity as I initially brought over my Polkadot to farm the polkadot staking farm. I since sold my polkadot and bought CUB and gone 100% CUB Den.

I set myself a minimum HODL amount for CUB a value range that I think in the future may provide me with a decent HODL portfolio. The Den provides 1.3 CUB per thousand but this is an insane return amount. The compounding interest is also a great support to grow my HODL.

The Den also has the added benefit of acquiring 100% of CUB gains so as the ROI % rate drops your token value increases and your yield farming remains the same or doesn't change much.

The paired pools will also decrease as the price of the token increases and more people enter the pool but you will also suffer an impermanent loss. With a reduced amount of CUB which if you had $1000 50% would need to be made up of your pair. If you hadn't the money to invest and were using bleo/CUB to sell for it that is a significant loss you would be taking.

The ROI on the Den is less than that of the pairs but a far safer staking pool in order to support your growth and advancement on the chain with limited to no risk. Your only risk is the money you're spending to purchase CUB. If you're a CUBeliever then it is a risk you have probably decided to take.

It is important to note now that I have met my minimum HODL acct I will be adding liquidity and taking the BUSD risk. It is a better ROI but I first needed to work to my minimum HODL amount. This will also offset any impermanent loss that I will experience in the CUB-BUSD pool.

Let me know your thoughts, have you set a similar goal or have you found a better way to maximise your ROI?



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